All tooling goes through our best-in-class certification process. Performed in our climate-controlled inspection department, certification of conformance is evaluated on our cutting-edge coordinate measurement systems which have the capability of measuring product up to 16 feet long. For larger projects, 3D spatial certification is conducted using our laser tracking equipment and team. All CMMs are fully automated with direct computer control and are equipped with the latest software including PCDMIS and VERISURF. Each CMM is calibrated yearly. Certification reports accompany each project and include roadmaps.
Our highly qualified inspectors average over 20 years of experience in the tooling trade. Most were tool builders prior to moving into the Quality Assurance field.
Inspection Services
Part Layout
Mold Layout
GR & R Studies
Both Inhouse & Onsite Laser Inspection
Third Party Certification
3D Scanning
Rest assured that when the Inspectors at Standard Components LLC certify a tool, all design engineering and manufacturing requirements have been met.